The News                     

... Events will be listed here ...

News from: 17.01.2023 19:40:43
Hello all lovers of Freedom and Firepower!

We have managed to track down the legendary Platoon leader, Finilie from his fox hole in Holland.

To celebrate we are getting together on the Cobalt Server on the 21st of January at 18:00 GMT... Mainly to teamkill the platoon leader repeatedly and also critique his flying...

We would love to have you there to catch up on this crazy planet we live and game in... and shoot some spandex creeps...

I'll post some detail closer to the time for those not using in-game chat (Which is much better now; so it'll be the default)

Cheers (Remember to call for the medic, I'll be there)

Statistics: Posted by RobWestcott — 17 Jan 2023 18:40 — Replies 2 — Views 132415

News from: 21.10.2020 18:11:53
So, I'm sure a number of you remember trees being OP in PS2 (fly into one and you're toast).
In Space Engineers it's very much the opposite:

Statistics: Posted by Cedarfax — 21 Oct 2020 16:11 — Replies 0 — Views 63718

News from: 23.02.2019 16:21:04
The virtualisation environment that my server runs on needs to be patched, so my server, which hosts Teamspeak, needs to be rebooted on Saturday 2nd March 2019 during a 1 hour window starting 00:30 UTC / 01:30 BST / 02:30 CEST. The actual reboot should take (much) less than 20 minutes. Obviously TS will be unavailable while this occurs, but if you are using it at that time it should automatically reconnect when the server is back up.

As a reminder, please check that you are now connecting to the Teamspeak server using "". I cannot guarantee that any other address will continue to work.



Statistics: Posted by Cedarfax — 23 Feb 2019 15:21 — Replies 1 — Views 53912

News from: 04.01.2019 20:16:02
Better late then never, a happy new year to everyone who still roam the forums :)

Statistics: Posted by Finilie — 04 Jan 2019 19:16 — Replies 6 — Views 58384

News from: 26.09.2017 23:07:52
I am migrating services from my server Garnet, which runs an old 32-bit distribution of Linux, to my new server, Willow. On Thursday I will be moving Teamspeak to the new server so there will be downtime during the day.

Please change your address for teamspeak to be (this will work now and after the change). Garnet will cease to operate on Friday 29th September. I have added notifications to prompt you about this when you log into Teamspeak. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Statistics: Posted by Cedarfax — 26 Sep 2017 21:07 — Replies 3 — Views 56679

News from: 10.06.2017 10:50:32
My server that hosts Teamspeak needs to be rebooted on Saturday 17th June during a 1 hour window starting 00:00 UTC / 01:00 BST / 02:00 CEST. The actual reboot should take less than 20 minutes. Obviously TS will be unavailable while this occurs, but if you are using it at that time it should automatically reconnect when the server is back up.

Statistics: Posted by Cedarfax — 10 Jun 2017 08:50 — Replies 1 — Views 55097

News from: 23.05.2017 11:50:24
A lot of our members are from the UK and I hope that none of you, or your loved ones, are being caught up in the events at manchester.

Again the world may be getting a darker one this day, but the acts of human kindness that are happening now are a dawn of hope for better.

Regardless of what was thrown at innocent people to make them victims.

Regardless of where and when it happened.
There was alway a bystander that stood up against fear and terror in his own way to help.

Today a cup of cheap tea can be worth more than all riches.

Statistics: Posted by Baehrserker — 23 May 2017 09:50 — Replies 0 — Views 65896

News from: 26.03.2017 16:06:56
My server that hosts Teamspeak needs to be rebooted on Saturday 1st April during a 1 hour window starting 0:00 UTC / 1:00 BST / 02:00 CEST. The actual reboot should take less than 20 minutes. Obviously TS will be unavailable while this occurs, but if you are using it at that time it should automatically reconnect when the server is back up.

Statistics: Posted by Cedarfax — 26 Mar 2017 14:06 — Replies 4 — Views 62094

News from: 31.12.2016 21:25:27
Grains of sand fall one by one
Rattling in the glass I carry
My feet crunching in the snow es im running

I pass the glass thu the youth
I watch him rune thru the snow
My body becomes light illuminating the path ahead

Farewell 2016 , 2017 will carry time forward

Statistics: Posted by Sajlent — 31 Dec 2016 20:25 — Replies 3 — Views 58047

News from: 24.12.2016 09:44:42
2016 is coming to an end.

This year was turbulent around the globe in more often than less unpleasant way. Many people lost mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, daughters, sons or friends to hate and greed.

But now it´s Christmas the one holiday that managed to jump across many borders, may it be geographically, political or religious ones.

It produced miracles again and again.

It became the time of year that brings to mind those things in life that are most important.

It reminds us to focus on all of the good things around us.

It reminds us on hope, love and the innocence of smiling children.

Wishing warm greetings for you and your family during this holiday.


Statistics: Posted by Baehrserker — 24 Dec 2016 08:44 — Replies 5 — Views 60203

News from: 24.12.2016 09:33:47

Star Citizen Alpha 2.6 is now live!

And there are quite some updates:
  • Star Marine: The long anticipated first-person-shooter. Similar to Arena Commander just on foot, you fight either everybody-for-himself-Deathmatch, or two-teams-domination.
  • Massive ship speeds rebalance: basically all the ships had their combat speeds reduced by 50% or so, bringing combat much closer together. At the same time there was a big change of how boost and afterburner work.
  • Visual effects and UI: A lot of graphics and visual effect, as well as a large part of the UI got a big overhaul.
  • New ships: Some special variants + the Caterpillar, Harald and X85
  • Bugfixes: lots of them
  • etc...

Full patch notes are here

But it is all still alpha, so the known issues are here

Statistics: Posted by t0di — 24 Dec 2016 08:33 — Replies 3 — Views 56291

News from: 07.12.2016 21:58:58
Unfortunately there are more critical patches that have been released which mean another reboot for my server.

The server will be rebooted on Tuesday 13th December, during a 1 hour window starting 02:00 UTC / 03:00 CET. The actual reboot should take less than 20 minutes. Obviously TS will be unavailable while this occurs, but if you are using it at that time it should automatically reconnect when the server is back up.

Statistics: Posted by Cedarfax — 07 Dec 2016 20:58 — Replies 3 — Views 54281

News from: 12.11.2016 11:24:13
My server that hosts Teamspeak needs to be rebooted on Tuesday 22nd November, during a 1 hour window starting 02:00 UTC / 03:00 CET. The actual reboot should take less than 20 minutes. Obviously TS will be unavailable while this occurs, but if you are using it at that time it should automatically reconnect when the server is back up.

Statistics: Posted by Cedarfax — 12 Nov 2016 10:24 — Replies 2 — Views 55809

News from: 26.08.2016 20:47:51
My server that hosts Teamspeak needs to be rebooted on Monday 5th September, during a 1 hour window starting 01:00 UTC / 02:00 BST / 03:00 CEST. The actual reboot should take less than 10 minutes. Obviously TS will be unavailable while this occurs, but if you are using it at that time it should automatically reconnect when the server is back up.

Statistics: Posted by Cedarfax — 26 Aug 2016 18:47 — Replies 3 — Views 54390

News from: 13.08.2016 10:07:42
Good morning everyone!
Pete here with a slight hangover from a night partying instead of playing this absolutely freakishly expected game.
Why? It wouldn't start after install and I decided: large fair > broken game.

So far, the PC launch has been a troubled one for NMS and it seems that you need three things to run it (if you want to play it now and not after the next sale):
- graphics card with drivers as new as possible.
- 8GB of DDR3 RAM. And best not more than that.
- an intel i3 core or an AMD chipset built after Oct. 2011.

- If your graphics card is from intel or if it's got less than 2GB of memory - you won't play. Not supported. If it's an nVidia card of the 480 and later series or an AMD 7870 (and better) running the 368.81 and whatever the current AMD version is - it should work.
- Seems that some folks with 16GB DDR4 RAM can't play either. So that was either the same guy posting under three different accounts or there's some issue with too much RAM. Luckily I didn't upgrade my CPU and main board and RAM...
- intel and AMD had creative differences about which commands their cores should be able to execute. intel decided to upgrade the older SSE3 library with a whole array of new commands to a new and shiny library called SSE4. AMD decided to NOT use the same commands but instead went for SSE4a. CPUs that do not at least support SSE4.1 won't understand the commands the game engine gives. But if you didn't go the "AMD REBEL" or "intel's too expensive" route when buying your rig: it should work.

Otherwise: Wait until that 15-person-studio Hello Games recompiled their game code with Legacy SSE support baked in and some of the other framerate issues (capped at 30 for first start for example, which can be changed in options) are solved.
My problem so far is the core. Never should've saved those 50€ back then!

Statistics: Posted by The2ndPete — 13 Aug 2016 08:07 — Replies 5 — Views 55104